The Medspa Store

LaLumbre Massage and Yoga of Northville

16975 Ridge Road, Northville, MI 48168

About us

A Place of Wellness, Inspiration, Determination and Community. LaLumbre Massage is about embracing the heat and experiencing the sensation of complete relaxation. Our Massage Therapists work with our clients to understand their physiological needs to better assess and practice during their sessions. Correcting past/present conditions and even emotional imbalances can be the difference between temporary relief and a rejuvenated self-confidence. We embrace the fact that no one is the same so we offer a variety of massage practices suited to your personal needs. Take a look at offering and already begin to feel relaxed as you book your next LaLumbre Massage session. Other services available include fitness and yoga classes, infrared sauna and childcare and a variety of health and wellness classes.
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