Zen Zen Organic Salon & Spa

1825 NE 123rd St., N Miami Beach, FL 33181

About us

At Zen Zen, we believe health and beauty go hand in hand. Our non-toxic environment creates a space that is safe and welcoming for everyone. Whenever possible, we use ammonia-free products, paraben-free hair, skin and nail products, formaldehyde-free straighteners, non-toxic dyes, and other products that are natural and chemical-free. Whether you’ve got allergies, are going through medical treatments, or simply prefer to receive healthier and more natural beauty services, we are there to guide you. As our name suggests, we have created a Zen space at our salon where you can experience your relaxing, productive, confidence-building “me time.” So kick back, unwind, and soak in the fabulous Zen Zen experience!


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