VK Skin Spa

162 Brighton 11th Street,FL 2, Brooklyn, NY 11235

About us

Due to Covid19, VK Skin Spa will be closed until further notice. VK Skin Spa is Best Spa in Brooklyn with excellent customer service and results. Vk Skin Spa provides following services: Laser Hair Removal, Waxing (hot and cold), Facials, Microcurrent Face Lift, Mesotherapy Needle Free, Microdermabrasion, Vitamin Mesotherapy, Gold Mesotherapy, Mesoderm Microneedling Procedure, Chemical Peel, Fractional Radio Frequency, Oxygen Infusion, Deep Cleansing Facial, Ultrasonic Facial, Body Treatments, Led Therapy, Face Massage, Teen Acne Solutions, Facial Exfoliation, Enzyme Peel, Ultrasound Exfoliation


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