Tosa Yoga

6734 West North Avenue, Wauwatosa, WI 53213

About us

Our mission is, “At Tosa Yoga Center, we believe in providing an open, warm and welcoming environment for the practice of yoga and other healing activities through balanced routines taught with compassion, dedication and a little laughter. Our intention is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for practice and self-healing. We believe in supporting each individual student in his or her journey toward happiness, well-being, and the union of body, mind and spirit.” But that’s just a small part of it. We’re seriously passionate about our students and community— and we want you to be part of it. We strongly believe in supporting our local community, and we work to promote other local small businesses and charitable organizations. We also believe in creating a strong sense of community within our space. Our belief is that the positive community we have within Tosa Yoga Center strongly affects the community around us.Our top priority is creating a space where you feel comfortable and welcome, so we invite you to experience our Yoga Classes, Workshops, Events, feel that positive “vibe,” and add to it with your presence.

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