The Medspa Store

Third Opinion Healthcare Services, Inc

309 West Millbrook Road, Raleigh, NC 27609

About us

At Third Opinion Holistic Health Care Services, we pride ourselves in providing online health counseling for clients across the country. We offer counseling services that include nutritional counseling, health counseling and more. Our counseling sessions start with learning about your unique situation with your condition or health concern. We then provide a personal assessment and recommendations on what you can provide your body with to heal naturally. Our services can help our clients with a myriad of chronic conditions including; anxiety, depression, lupus, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, hormonal issues, thyroid issues, skin conditions, or gastrointestinal issues. We take the time to educate our clients on understanding the issue that their bodies are facing. We explain how certain medical conditions are cause and what we can do to naturally reverse those conditions. Don't live in fear of a serious health complication. Call Third Opinion Holistic Health Care Services to find a natural remedy today!

Operation Hours

Timezone: America/Montreal
AM 08:00 - PM 06:00
AM 08:00 - PM 06:00
AM 08:00 - PM 06:00
AM 08:00 - PM 06:00
AM 08:00 - PM 06:00
AM 08:00 - PM 06:00
AM 08:00 - PM 06:00

Social Media

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