The Medspa Store

The Ranch Fitness Center & Spa

8385 SW 80th Street, Ocala, FL 34481

About us

The Ranch Fitness Center & Spa is a 21,000-square-foot complex with on-site exercise facilities, including three fitness studios, and an indoor Warm water pool. Seven spa treatment rooms that host an array of massage therapies, facials, and body treatments, a full-service hair and nail salon provide additional pampering amenities.


Operation Hours

Timezone: America/Montreal
AM 09:00 - PM 05:00
AM 09:00 - PM 05:00
AM 09:00 - PM 05:00
AM 09:00 - PM 05:00
AM 09:00 - PM 05:00
AM 10:00 - PM 04:00
AM 12:00 - PM 12:00
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