Pilates Sense

5021 Fairview Avenue Suite A, Downers Grove, IL 60515

About us

We believe in using Pilates as a systematic approach to core strengthening, focusing on strength, stability, stamina, and flexibility to functionally train your body. Whether you are a high performing athlete or a post rehabilitation patient, no matter your gender, age or body type, Pilates will improve your level of fitness, self confidence and over all functional well being. Pilates Sense is an inviting and encouraging environment that will help you grow and have a better understanding of your body and the method of "Contrology" through Pilates.


Operation Hours

Timezone: America/Montreal
AM 07:00 - PM 08:00
AM 07:00 - PM 08:00
AM 07:00 - PM 08:00
AM 07:00 - PM 08:00
AM 07:00 - PM 08:00
AM 08:00 - PM 12:00

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