The Medspa Store

LTSG Colon Hydrotherapy

5272 Francis Ave, Chino, CA 91710

About us

LTSG offers the luxury, world renown, bottom bowel excavation water therapy featuring Tiller Mindy & Body's LIBBE Open System device. The Open System is a modest version of colonic therapy compared to the old and outdated closed system. Our rectal nozzles are pencil thin and only need 1-2 in of room to insert tempered water at 1psi into the large intestines. Our facility has a 5 star rating for being clean, affordable, and welcoming. Our mission to communicate the importance of colon cleansing and nutrition.


Operation Hours

Timezone: America/Montreal
AM 08:00 - PM 08:00
AM 08:00 - PM 08:00
AM 08:00 - PM 08:00
AM 08:00 - PM 08:00
AM 08:00 - PM 08:00
AM 08:00 - PM 08:00
AM 08:00 - PM 08:00

Social Media

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