The Medspa Store

Live Vitality Massage

2995 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94306

About us

Welcome to the world of massage. You have begun to embark on a most powerful journey - one that can bring you ultimate happiness: optimal health. In a world filled with deadlines and quotas, rarely do we find an opportunity to care for ourselves. Living in vitality will allow you the freedom to efficiently and effectively produce at your highest potential. Unlock your inner bounty by allowing yourself to flow effortlessly with the currents of life. Massage releases pent up muscular toxins and internal emotions that will enable you to properly overcome the most difficult obstacles. It is my personal conviction to use both clinical and intuitive methods to alleviate pain, dispose of harmful toxins, and transform your wellbeing. Live Vitality Massage is a therapeutic massage studio serving clients in the Philadelphia area. Owner Coby Dulitzki delivers corrective deep-tissue bodywork in the context of a relaxing massage flow. Massage releases pent-up muscular toxins and internal emotions that will enable you to properly overcome the most difficult obstacles. Coby uses both clinical and intuitive methods to alleviate pain, dispose of harmful toxins, and transform your well-being. Contact Coby today to book an appointment!


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