LaMirage Salon Spa

3730 Tampa Rd., Palm Harbor, FL 34684

About us

La Mirage a Premier salon and spa located at 3730 Tampa Rd for over 25 years. We provide a wonderful experience from entering our 3 acre property in to our 7500 square foot facility. We provide all hair services from talented artists from around the world we speak over 14 languages in our building. From our salon of 18 stylists you can then head to our spa mani pedi area and enjoy a quite spa experience. Heading to our spa area where we have 4 professional estheticians with each having over 15 years of experience. We can offer you a facial, body, wrap, lash extentions, permanenet make up. Spray tanning, massage and Thai Massage. We offer a spa experience and wine with every service. Our sauna is available for client use as well with any booking. Come enjoy the La Mirage Experience.

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