The Medspa Store

Jennifer Carr Wellness

5000 Davis Lane,#106 (Inside Infinity Wellness Center), Austin, TX 78749

About us

Welcome! I'm Jennifer Carr Scopp, and I'm happy to meet you. I help busy people live a life with less stress, less pain, and more joy. I do this through massage therapy and aromatherapy. I believe that you can't pour from an empty cup, and therefore we need ways to fill that cup, so that we can live life fully and give fully to the things that matter most to us. I see massage therapy and aromatherapy as a way of not just dealing with specific aches, pains, and tension, but of taking time on a regular basis to give a little back to ourselves. Relax. Recharge. Rejuvenate. Fill your cup. I look at each client individually and customize their session based on their needs. I use a variety of modalities and relaxation techniques, as well as customized blends of therapeutic essential oils to enhance and personalize the client's experience.

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