The Medspa Store

Iyengar Yoga Institute

150 West 22nd Street, New York City, NY 10011

About us

As a young man, B.K.S. Iyengar searched out an in-depth understanding of the self through the practice of yoga. Awakened by the transformative experience, he adapted the practice and sought to introduce the world to a form of yoga that was deeper, more intellectual—a science, art, and philosophy—one that emphasizes complete alignment of the body, mind, breath, and soul.Motivated by the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to strive for complete alignment, his Iyengar method prided itself on making yoga accessible to every age and every body. From there it spread and, started transforming all manner of lives across continents.Modern life in our corner of the world can be hectic, distracting and disconnecting us from our inner selves. Here more than anywhere, and now more than ever, the Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York exists to help bring complete alignment to all who seek it and to all who are willing to engage.We are a community of like-minded souls, individuals who support each other and strive toward the highest standards of excellence. Together, we are committed to the journey of a lifetime pursuit of complete alignment.
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