The Medspa Store

Heaven Meets Earth

2746 Central Street, Evanston, IL 60201

About us

We are Evanston's first, and the North Shore's only, 'Green' yoga studio. We have used earth-friendly and sustainable building products such as bamboo floors, low toxicity paints, recycled paper products and eco-friendly yoga mats to create a high vibration for your yoga and healing practice.Heaven Meets Earth is a family yoga studio and healing boutique with a mission to serve the community. We are dedicated to offering men, women and children programs and products that nourish our spirits and enrich our lives in a healthy and whole way.Our staff includes the region's top healers and yoga practitioners. We offer a broad range of yoga styles including Anusara-Inspired, Asthanga, Hatha, Kundalini, Radiant Child and Vinyasa Flow, as well as providing opportunities for Energy Healing and meditation.We have classes for those new to yoga as well as for experienced practitioners. We offer classes for individuals, couples, Mommy & Baby, Parent & Child, and Teens.Most importantly, we are here to serve you and aid you in your journey.



Fitness & Activities

Yoga Classes

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