Hale O Lomi Ola

201 E Southern Ave,Suite 105, Tempe, AZ 85282

About us

Mana Lomi (Traditional Hawaiian Lomilomi) The foundation of our practice is based on natural healing methods, including traditional Hawaiian bodywork therapy, also known as Mana Lomi. Hale O Lomi Ola is home to the only Certified Mana Lomi Practitioners in the state of Arizona, and the only Lomi Practitioners in the state who are members of the Hawai'i Lomilomi Association.

Operation Hours

Timezone: America/Montreal
AM 10:00 - PM 07:00
AM 10:00 - PM 07:00
AM 10:00 - PM 07:00
AM 10:00 - PM 07:00
AM 11:00 - PM 07:00

Location & Map

How to get there?

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