The Medspa Store


North Dallas area, Dallas, TX 75229

About us

Ariana graduated with honors from Midwest College of Oriental Medicine in Chicago, IL, where she earned her Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine and her second Bachelor's degree, a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition. Midwest College is one of the first colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in the United States. The school has been affiliated with Guangzhou University in Guangzhou China. They worked with the Council of Colleges to help set the standards of education of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in the United States. Central to her extensive education in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine was the free student clinic where Ariana has over 900 hours or experience. This clinic was the primary care facility for many of its patrons, attracting a wide range of clinical health needs. Ariana has over twenty years of experience working with people and on the human body. She has been a massage therapist, Krashada® Acupressure Therapist, and CranioSacral Therapist- first in the Chicago, IL area and now in Dallas- for that length of time. Ariana is certified through the NCCAOM, National Certification Counsel for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, as a Diplomat in Oriental Medicine. She has a license to practice Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Texas. She is also a Licensed Massage Therapist in Texas and in Illinois. She is certified for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork through the NCBTMB, National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. Ariana's first Bachelor's Degree is a Bachelor of Music Education from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Ariana is happy to be working in the area of her experience and expertise in the Dallas area.



Complementary and Alternative

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