Body Rhythms Spa

74-5614 Palani Road,Suite #2, Kailua Kona, HI 96740

About us

The goal of Body Rhythms Spa is to achieve total customer satisfaction through service, integrity and education. Comprising the two upper levels of Kailua-Kona's iconic Lighthouse building on Hawaii's Big Island, the spa offers a 360-degree view of the town, the Pacific Ocean and the Kona coast. The walls of this intimate pseudo-nautically themed spa are painted in a butter yellow with white accents adorning the doors, reception desks and shelving. The spa prides itself on having actual treatment times of sixty-five minutes to over two and a half hours. Complimentary water, and showers are available for guests as well.


Energy Work

Facilities & Amenities

Operation Hours

Timezone: America/Montreal
AM 09:00 - PM 07:00
AM 09:00 - PM 07:00
AM 09:00 - PM 07:00
AM 09:00 - PM 07:00
AM 09:00 - PM 07:00
AM 09:00 - PM 07:00
AM 09:00 - PM 07:00

Location & Map

How to get there?

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