The Medspa Store

AbadaCapoeira San Francisco

3221 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA 94110

About us

ABADÁ-Capoeira San Francisco (ACSF) offers professional instruction and performance of capoeira at its Mission-based Capoeira Arts Center, and at over 30 sites throughout the Bay Area. For more than 28 years, ACSF improved the health and vitality of the Bay Area through its multifaceted programs. Founded in 1991 by master capoeira artist Mestra Márcia Treidler, ABADÁ-Capoeira San Francisco works to preserve, develop, and share the art of capoeira with integrity and to use capoeira to build a healthy, just, and vibrant society in which people feel connected to and responsible for their community. By exploring creative ways of sharing capoeira and related arts, ACSF remains a pioneering force in the preservation and development of Brazilian arts.
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