The Medspa Store

2MPower Yoga Studio

664 Scranton Road #203, Brunswick, GA 31520

About us

Lawanda Mann E-RYT 500 & YACEP, Baptiste Certified Leader Lawanda has been teaching yoga for 20 years but found her passion in Baptiste Power Yoga in 2011. She has trained with some very powerful leaders including Baron Baptiste, Paige Elenson, Mark White and Shelly Lowther. Lawanda is the owner of 2MPower Yoga Studio, located in Brunswick, Georgia, and this is where she gets to do what she loves everyday! Teaching yoga is her way of sharing the lessons she has learned on her mat and can apply in her life. This practice of Baptiste Power yoga has made her realize that nothing is impossible. You just need to set your dristhi. Teaching gives Lawanda the opportunity to spread compassion, forgiveness, and love, all from a humbled heart. Yes, strength, flexibility, and personal power can be developed through a committed Baptiste power practice! You are ready now!

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